You do not have the right to make other people’s food
choices for them.
Okay, so your answer to that was probably “duh”, but I’m
If your tummy is full on a regular basis; i.e. you don’t
worry about having food to eat or feed to your children, because you can’t
afford it or it simply doesn’t exist… then you need to shut your mouth.
Let me explain.
Let me explain.
We, as Americans, live in a world where food is viewed as a
You can choose to eat too much on a regular basis and weigh
100 pounds more than is healthy.
You can choose not to eat on a regular basis and be 100 pounds underweight.
“I don’t feel like cooking, let’s go out to dinner.”
“Okay, where should we eat?”
This is an everyday conversation that involves choices. Instead of being forced to make do with what’s in the cabinet, or to simply warm up the Pizza Rolls in the freezer, we often make the choice to spend more than a product is worth for the sake of convenience simply because we can. We have that as a choice.
You can choose not to eat on a regular basis and be 100 pounds underweight.
“I don’t feel like cooking, let’s go out to dinner.”
“Okay, where should we eat?”
This is an everyday conversation that involves choices. Instead of being forced to make do with what’s in the cabinet, or to simply warm up the Pizza Rolls in the freezer, we often make the choice to spend more than a product is worth for the sake of convenience simply because we can. We have that as a choice.
I did the same thing today. I realized as I locked the back
door that I’d forgotten to grab the little frozen meal I’d intended to bring as
a lunch. This was not something I remembered as I pulled into the parking lot
at work, or even as I got to the end of the dirt road. I was literally still
standing on my doorstep. But did I walk back inside and grab my lunch out of
the freezer? No. I decided I’d run to Taco Johns or something at lunch instead.
I made a choice.
Granted, that choice had a lot to do with the fact that I ate that same little frozen meal three times last week and it’s nice to step out of the office at break rather than sit at my desk to eat.
But even then… #firstworldproblems, much?
I made a choice.
Granted, that choice had a lot to do with the fact that I ate that same little frozen meal three times last week and it’s nice to step out of the office at break rather than sit at my desk to eat.
But even then… #firstworldproblems, much?
So here’s my point; you, as a consumer, have every option
thinkable out there in regards to what you can choose to put in your bodies. In
a country where minimum wage is $7.25 and government assistance is readily
available, the average American spends about 6% of
their annual income on food. Food here is cheap, and so if you want to pay a
higher price for food you deem a higher quality, then you have the capacity and
freedom to do so.
But you can stop cramming your so-called healthy rhetoric
down other people’s throats.
You do not have the right to make other people’s food
choices for them.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease, you know? The more noise
you make, the more your opinion is considered. In most instances, that is not a
bad thing.
However, in the case of issues such as Genetically Modified crops, animal
welfare and the organic vs. conventional debate, where both sides have merit
and no solution is a one size fits all, it’s become a yelling match.
As agriculturalists, our livelihood depends on having a
market for our products. We can’t gouge prices based on our inputs or market
demand. We’re at the mercy of the public. So when false information begins to
circle about our practices and who we are, we get understandably upset.
We don’t want to force anyone to buy our food if they don’t
want it.
I think this goes for any producer, whether they plant GMOs or raise certified organic crops.
I think this goes for any producer, whether they plant GMOs or raise certified organic crops.
You, as a consumer, seem to have a different idea.
Whether you’re being intentionally malicious or are just sadly misinformed, your yelling influences the decisions of others.
Whether you’re being intentionally malicious or are just sadly misinformed, your yelling influences the decisions of others.
In America, food is cheap, and food is plentiful. So much
so, that most of what we produce is exported.
I’d have to vote that this a good thing.
I’d have to vote that this a good thing.
However, whatever yelling you do that influences the status
of food here in America, directly affects the status of food elsewhere.
Have you ever been hungry? Like really, really hungry? Like
maybe you haven’t eaten in three days and it’s not because you’re sick and
can’t keep anything down? No? Then shut up.
You buy your tofu and I’ll buy my steak. The fact that my
steak may have, at some point in its previous life, been given an antibiotic or
an implant, does not affect you. The fact that it might have been fed BT corn
does not affect you.
You do not have the right to make other people’s food
choices for them.
**I had hesitated to post this until I saw this piece.
Then I realized I had a valid point.
We take a lot of things for granted, and a little perspective can help.
Thanks for listening.
**I had hesitated to post this until I saw this piece.
Then I realized I had a valid point.
We take a lot of things for granted, and a little perspective can help.
Thanks for listening.
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